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Elijah Hernandez
Elijah Hernandez

Otona Times

What: Mimi is a separated housewife who moves in with her friendly neighborhood trash collector. She has a real fondness for cooking and a good part of the show focuses on photographic stills of food. Sometimes the animation cuts to a live-action segment of Mimi cooking (showing only bits of her limbs), but the transition is never jarring. The episode is about how Mimi sees her relationship with her boyfriend, framing it through her not-so-bright past and her failed marriage.

otona times

The clip features the theme song "Sweet Melody" sung by Johnny & Associates' seven-member boy idol group Kis-My-Ft2 for the first time. The members say, "We are very honored to participate in this film as the theme song performers. A long term relationship that has seen both good times and bad times, and has shown each other both its strengths and weaknesses. The key to this song is the light, mid-tempo music that expresses the feelings of cherishing such an irreplaceable relationship. Although our contribution might not be worth much, we hope it can be of some help to this film. Please enjoy the film with 'Sweet Melody'!"

Tom Delion: I travelled to Japan in 2016 and 2017, both times I stayed for only a month. However in the short time I spent there I grew to love Japan. Everything about the place; the people, the architecture, the culture and all the nuances that blew my mind as a bonafide Brit.

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