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Elijah Hernandez
Elijah Hernandez

How CS-2200 Can Help You Customize Your Icom IC-2200H Radio Settings and Options

if you are that person, a cable kit is for you. install the software on your computer. connect the radio to the computer via usb cable. read the instructions (which are very easy to follow) and you are done.

CS-2200 Icom IC-2200H Programming Software full version

what i didnt know was that the rt systems cable kit did not include programming software. without a mouse and keyboard, the only way to work with the rtsystems cable kit was to use the software that came with it. this is where i broke the deal with rt systems.

i figured the software was all included on the cd-rom. but i never received it. so i called back and the guy told me that the software was not on the cd-rom, and in fact i had to purchase the software from his site.

i love rt systems programming cables, i use them on almost all my radios! they are easy to use, and very reliable, i have a few of the rt systems cable kits and even the usb cable for my computer and i have used them all with success. i use them with my icom ic-2200h and my rds express vhf and my yaesu ft-7r.

i have been using rt systems software for sometime now and found it to be instantly usable without a lot of fiddling and fussing around with operating system, comports, etc. i just last night gave chirp a try with a co-workers radio that i had no software for. first issue was the usb programming cable that came with the radio would not work with chirp. luckily i had a similar cable from rt systems which worked immediately. after that just pulling the data from the radio, adding, and changing a few things that needed correcting and then loading it back to the radio i had the unit up and running. it seemed as seamless as the rt systems i have and certainly it was cheaper. ill give it a try with some other radios i have and report back, but as far as i am concerned, if it doesnt take a lot of screwing around with operating system parameters, com ports, etc it may be worth serious consideration. kd7jb




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